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Adoption Application

Are there children living in the home or do you have family members/ friends with children that visit often?
Do you rent or own your home?
Do you have a fenced yard?
What type of home do you live in?
Apartment/ Condo
Single- family house
Townhome/ Duplex
What is your preferred age range?
Preferred sex?
No preference
What is your ideal dog’s adult weight range?
What is YOUR activity level?
Highly active/ athletic
What is your ideal dog's activity level?
Highly active/ athletic
What is your dog training experience level?
Novice. I have taught my dog a few basic commands and/ or tricks and have a basic understanding of dog behavior.
Intermediate. I have worked with a professional, attended group and/ or private sessions, and have an average understanding of dog behavior.
Advanced. I have trained my dogs to a high level and/ or participated in sports/ competition and have an above average understanding of dog behavior.
Expert. I myself am a canine professional and have a high-level understanding of dog behavior.
On average, how much time per day do you have to dedicate to training and socializing your dog?
Less than 30 minutes
30-60 minutes
Over an hour
Are you ok with a dog that sheds?
I prefer a dog that has minimal shedding.
I’m ok with a little hair.
I am prepared to live, breathe, and eat dog hair. Bring it on.
What level of grooming are you comfortable with?
Minimal; routine nail trims, ear cleaning, and the occasional bath as needed.
Moderate; routine maintenance plus brushing, combing, and more frequent bathing.
Maximal; requires daily maintenance as well as regular professional grooming services.
Do you currently or have you ever had any other pets?
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